Clinical trials for mesothelioma patients primarily focus on pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma, the two most common forms of the cancer. Because a definitive cure has not been established, these clinical trials typically evaluate experimental treatment methods involving chemotherapy drugs, surgery techniques and other emergent procedures. Overall, mesothelioma clinical trials offer a way to test up-and-coming treatments and medications that have not yet been approved for safe and effective use.
Mesothelioma patients often elect to participate in clinical trials to take advantage of cutting-edge treatments such as immunotherapy or gene therapy. Participating in clinical trials does come with some element of risk depending upon the structure of the trial. Discussing this option with your doctor is important to understand all the risks and potential benefits of participating in a clinical trial.
Clinical Trial Phases
Three primary phases help to classify the stages of clinical trials. These separate phases determine when a particular treatment is tested for safety, effectiveness and whether or not it is better than a current approach.
Three primary phases help to classify the stages of clinical trials. These separate phases determine when a particular treatment is tested for safety, effectiveness and whether or not it is better than a current approach.
Phase I